The Warlock of Alpha Centauri [HTX125] – Lost Cat Magnet (2024) – Album Review

Lost Cat Magnet - Micro Genre Music

Album: The Warlock of Alpha Centauri [HTX125]

Artist: Lost Cat Magnet

Release Date: January 2, 2024

“Erase her, Erase Him” is the opening line of this album and, honestly, I don’t know what it means. But what I’ve come to learn from Lost Cat Magnet is that a lot their work is a splatter paint style. A dip of the paintbrush here, a slap of color there, and ultimately what you’re left with is a tasting menu of their mind. Or maybe what they’re drinking.

After the first track (4A), “Meanwhile at the Zoo” brings you back down to Neptune. It’s a whimsical track and reminds you not to take things too seriously. It’s solidly layered with electronic elements, but it’s organic at its heart. “Different Stars” is where it all starts to make sense – this is a fusion album. You know how I’m right? Because Track 4 (“Hello Freaky) is dance’y as fuck and way too catchy for its own good. It’s the most satisfying track on the album by far.

The album continues with different tastes for different palates and ultimately evolves into a complete downtempo electronic album once you reach Track 7 (The Mugwump In room 757). It’s midnight music. The kind of music you paint to, or maybe the kind of music you wished they would play in your favorite bar on Thursday nights.

Ultimately this album comes full circle with the final track (Warlock of Alpha Centari) and it absolutely warrants a second listen. From the full on vocal performance from “4A” until the final form of fusion during the final track, The Warlock of Alpha Centauri is a solid release from Lost Cat Magnet. We look forward to their next album.

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1 Comment

  • Great review! Nice one!

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